About the Theo Trust

Theo Trust

Theotrust helps children and their families suffering trauma, tragedy or neglect. Where appropriate this can be long-term.  In some instances children have been drawn from institutions such as orphanages.

Our starting point and where we are now.

We began in 1992 by offering help to orphanages in Russia as they adjusted to the collapse of communism. This was to become the centre of our activity until 2014 when Russia invaded Ukraine, and in that time we helped nearly 50 orphans with one year residential courses in the UK. Although we have not deserted those in Russia who may still be in need, (and there are several) we changed our allegiance to helping Ukraine, to families affected by the war inflicted on them by Russia.  Through the UK ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme we have been active in sponsoring families in Derbyshire and providing both help and advice. In a much smaller way we have attracted donors who wish to support projects in Ukraine such as providing two generators for hospitals on the front line, and a heating unit in a Children’s Hospital being constructed away from the front line near Poltava.

In the UK, since 1996 and through the assistance of the Joint Educational Trust (now defunct), we helped vulnerable children gain funded places in boarding schools and provide their families with ancillary support and recreation. There were adventure holidays, too, such as cycling Lands End to John O’Groats, often hosted by links with other schools raising funds for the Russian project prior to 2014.

We assist In India by contributing to the work of Project Mala created by businessman Robin Garland, who has founded six schools providing education for 1400 impoverished rural children. We provide one year study courses back in India, for students whom we have initially helped in the UK for one year, and who show strong university potential.

As with many small charities particularly in these inflationary times we are in need of funds as we face the unknown, and any donation, however modest, will add up to making a difference to children we try to help.

What we Do

UK Children

Overseas Children

Fundraising Events


Contact Us

  • Address: Paradise Farm, Burton Rd., Needwood, Burton on Trent, Staffs. DE13 9PB
  • Tel: +44 7976427791
  • Email: theotrust1998@gmail.com
  • Website: https://theotrust.org