Ksenia, a 17yr old girl from Poltava who came to the UK in 2017 for a one year education under the care of Theotrust. She, and her three brothers, mother and father have been forced to flee the Russian onslaught. The family has now settle in Ashbourne. Ksenia’s father has recently produced a 15 min documentary film about the family’s last ‘Eight’ years in Ukraine. The link to the documentary can be found here.

Ksenia is now well settled, having spent two months at Queen Elisabeth Grammar School, Ashbourne. She applied, and was accepted by, Birmingham City University for a 4 year degree course in Journalism with English (September 2022)

Ksenia’s Story – Life as a 17 yr Old During War

Ashbourne Telegraph. Ksenia’s final Diary Entry – 11th May 2022

11th May 2022 Page 6
11th May 2022 Front-page

In this week’s Ashbourne Telegraph Ksenia reflects on her new life in Ashbourne, her friends left behind in war-torn Ukraine and the kindness shown to her family by so many local people. This is to be her last diary entry as her journey from Ukraine to UK now enters a new phase…
Touch the newspaper articles to read further.

Ashbourne Telegraph. Ksenia’s diary continues – 4th May 2022

In this week’s Ashbourne Telegraph Ksenia describes how their long journey from the war in Ukraine and the wait in Poland finally comes to an end……arrival in Ashbourne!
Touch the newspaper articles to read further.

Ashbourne Telegraph. Ksenia’s diary continues – 27th April 2022

In this week’s Ashbourne Telegraph Ksenia describes her experiences of a journey to Warsaw with her mother, Helena. They went to collect her visa, at long last!

Here you can read her latest diary note.

Ashbourne Telegraph. Ksenia’s Diary continues – Wed 20th April 2022

Ksenia continues her story – life in Poland, the continued wait for UK visas and how she has been helping Theotrust to assist other Ukrainian families in escaping the war and coming to England.

Here you can read her Ashbourne Telegraph latest diary note.

13th April 2022

Ashbourne Telegraph. Ksenia’s Diary continues – Wed 13th April 2022

Ksenia continues her life story – their desire to help other families devastated by the war but then the realisation that they needed to escape too.

Here you can read her Ashbourne Telegraph latest diary note.

Ashbourne Telegraph 6th April 22

Ashbourne Telegraph. Ksenia’s Diary continues – Wed 6th April 2022

Ksenia continues her story of life growing up in Ukraine and the many upheavals her family has faced over the years. Here you can read further.

Ashbourne Telegraph. Ksenia’s Diary – Wed 30th March 2022

Whilst the family wait patiently for their visas at a rural location in Poland, Ksenia has not stopped her journalistic talents! Here you can read about her early days of living in Donetsk and how war came to them when she was just 10 years.

Ashbourne Telegraph. Ksenia’s Diary – Wed 23rd March 2022

Perhaps many of you have been moved by the podcasts that Ksenia has provided during such tragic times. In addition to this, Ksenia was asked by ‘Ashbourne Telegraph’ to write an article for people to understand more about life for people in Ukraine. Her words were so powerful that the Ashbourne Telegraph editor contacted her after this first article and asked if she would be interested in writing a ‘Ksenia’s Diary’ for following weeks! Read it HERE

Sat 26th March

A quieter day. In the morning the whole family went for a long walk in the countryside. Later in the afternoon James and Paulina decided to treat them to a meal in a local restaurant. This where the Visa Application were Checked..and were OK!It was only during the meal that Ksenia’s father told them that it was the very first time the family had eaten out together! Another new experience.

FRI 25th March

Visa attendance day! Ksenia has set off by train with her father and ‘Fab helper’ Paulina. This where the Visa Application were Checked..and were OK!
They are making the 4hr journey to Warsaw where they will meet trustee James Archer and then make their way to the ‘UK TLS’ visa centre for their booked appointment at 3.20pm today. Biometrics for Ksenia are required as her passport expired last year. 4pm. A successful visit to the UK visa centre in Warsaw. Ksenia undertook her biometric tests and it was a chance to check that all applications are submitted correctly….now we wait for visas!

Meanwhile the rest of the family, back at their temporary home, decided to clean up the neighbourhood just a little!

Wed 23rd March

Plans underway for a trip by Ksenia and her father to Warsaw by train. Unfortunately, Ksenia’s passport needs renewing so a trip to the Ukrainian embassy followed by an appointment at the UK visa agency is arranged for Friday 25th March. The Chairman of the Theotrust will fly to Warsaw to assist the family with this task and he will then drive them back to their temporary home. It’s also a chance to visit the rest of Ksenia’s family along with the other Ukrainian family (Kirill) Theotrust supports and who now live nearby.

Tuesday 22nd March

Ksenia reflects upon the extremely cold journey out of Ukraine, the warm flat she and her family now stay in and the annoying sore throat she has at present.

Monday 21st March

Moving day! Once again the family are ’on their travels’! They will move to a nearby flat which will be their home for the coming days whilst UK visas are applied for and processed.

5pm local – all settled in to the new temporary home and supper next!

Family & Paulina – supper in the apartment

Sunday 20th March

A day of rest and making new friends with Paulina’s kind family. Ksenia and family helped clean a nearby flat they have been lent for a few weeks, as required, until their UK visas are sorted. They cannot believe the generosity and kindness of the Polish people…. really over experience for them.

Saturday 19th March

Ksenia and family arrived later in the afternoon yesterday, completely exhausted after ’the longest journey of their lives’. they were met by Paulina’s family and taken to their home for rest. Showers, food and sleep were on offer! Back in the UK much work behind the scenes has been happening. The house for them is being prepared, visa applications are submitted and fundraising continues…….

Friday 18th March…early hours

Delighted to report that Ksenia and family have arrived at Zosin border and the queues were small. They are now in Poland and resting for the night. Tomorrow, they shall take a free train to Wroclaw where our ’outstanding Polish family’, led by Paulina, will host them whilst we apply for their UK visas. They are now SAFE but very tired. The support our charity is receiving is ’Wonderful’! Thank you everyone…….

We have secured a new home for them in the centre of Ashbourne thanks to the kindness of an Ashbourne family where they can once again start their lives…for the third time! Schools, work, medical access, kindness and lots of support are ready to greet them. Our Theotrust team in Ashbourne are busily preparing the house with furniture and everything they shall need.

Ksenia & family
Ksenia Ivan Daniil & Egor
Basement of house where family and ’visitors’ slept during the air raid warnings
2014-2021 Home near Poltava after escaping the conflict in Donetsk region
Trustee stay with the family in January 2018
The family were lent this house from Feb 2021 and stayed here until 17th March 2022…before fleeing once again
Basement of house where family and ’visitors’ slept during the air raid warnings

We are very aware that Ksenia and family may need to move away from their home in the coming weeks/months. They shall undoubtedly need financial support.

Ksenia – Podcast Mon 28th March

Trip to Warsaw and life in Poland whilst we wait for our visas

Ksenia – Podcast 23rd March.

What we have been doing and plans for embassy visit

Ksenia – Podcast 22nd March.

Reflections upon a very cold journey

Ksenia – Podcast 19th March. Our first home in Poland

So happy to be safe in a warm home

Ksenia – Podcast 18th March
‘On the train in Poland after very little sleep – heading to Wroclaw’

Ksenia – Podcast 17th March
‘Barely any sleep, 0600hrs…. Journey to the border begins…’

barely any sleep, breakfast & goodbye home
0600hrs, curfew over, time to travel to the border
6pm report
6pm part 2

Ksenia – Podcast 16th March
‘Saying goodbye to our dog, travel anxiety’

Upsetting day…giving up everything

Ksenia – Podcast 15th March
‘Packing up and giving lots away’

Getting ready to leave home again

Ksenia – Podcast 14th March
‘Air sirens & war thoughts’

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3

Ksenia – Podcast 13th March
‘Decision time…. we should leave our home’

Time to plan our escape